Related Party Transfers Victoria
Make the astute choice for your conveyancing needs by calling us on (03) 9790 6643
Our expertise extends well beyond common sales and purchases, we at Astute Conveyancing can assist you with all your related party transfer requirements.
Related Party Property Transfers
It goes without saying that using a conveyancer is important when buying or selling commercial or residential property. But what about the needs of property or title transfer, where a property owner is simply transferring all or part of their interest, or ownership of their property to a related or associated party?
Such circumstances could range from matrimonial, spousal and domestic partner transfers as a result of refinancing, a breakdown of relationship, with or without court or consent orders or binding financial agreements. Other transfers of ownership might be the result of deceased estates, family arrangements, or tax advice provided by your accountant.
We put our 35+ years of expertise in practise and provide you with sound advice for any transfer, including the legal process and any stamp duty implications, ensuring the ownership transfer occurs according to your instructions to ensure the process of transferring property is efficient, effective and effortless.
Trusted, timely and streamline transfers

- Purchase of Property
- Sale of Property
- Related Party Transfers
- Subdivision Conveyancing
- Land Registry Applications
- Personalised and professional Service
- Friendly and approachable manner
- Transparent Fees
- Clear Explanations
- All Victorian Metropolitan
- All Victorian Regional
- Extensive knowledge in Dandenong & surrounds
- South Eastern Suburbs
Self-Managed Super Funds and Trusts
The astute investor may require transferring the registered proprietorship of their property interests held in the benefit of a trustee, beneficiary or custodian of a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) or between trustees for Discretionary, Unit or Fixed trust arrangements. In all instances these transfers require a complex assessment by State Revenue Office to determine duty involved or exemption thereof.
You can entrust Astute Conveyancing to provide you concise information to step through each process and handle all aspects of the your transfer needs. Call today to learn more.
Helping you navigate the paperwork

Let Our Experience be Your Guide.
Our expert conveyancing solicitors will get you moving with the minimum of hassle.